Odyssey Charter School 2025-2026 Application

Click here to view the Odyssey Charter website.

Program Choices for Kindergarten and 1st grade:

Two programs available:

If you do not select a second choice, your child will only be considered for one program.  If your child is invited to your first or second choice, he /she will be removed from the waitlist for the other choice.

Odyssey Charter School will continue offering Greek dual language immersion education during the 2025-2026 school year. In the Greek dual language immersion program, 50% of the core curricular content is delivered in Greek and 50% of the core curricular content is delivered in English through a two-teacher mode: one teacher is teaching students entirely in English, while the other is teaching entirely in Greek. In particular, students are taught ELA and Social Studies in English; Mathematics and Science are taught in Greek together with Greek Language Arts. All subjects follow the common core state standards.

Students will commit to continued participation in the Greek immersion program for the remainder of their enrollment at Odyssey.

Students attending the FLES program will receive instruction in English for reading, language arts, Math, Science and Social Studies. Additionally, they receive instruction in Greek language and Math in Greek every day for two periods. Greek Language Arts and Math in Greek are mandatory core subjects for all FLES students.

Program Choice for grades 2 through 5:

Students attending the FLES program will receive instruction in English for reading, language arts, Math, Science and Social Studies. Additionally, they receive instruction in Greek language and Math in Greek every day for two periods. Greek Language Arts and Math in Greek are mandatory core subjects for all FLES students. In grade 5 a Greek Art course is added to the program.

Program Choice for grades 6 through 8:

Throughout Middle School, all students are required to attend a Greek Language course which is a core course of their studies, as well as the Greek elective course “Culinary Arts”. Based on their performance, students are assigned to honors and regular classes and are encouraged to participate in exams for the certification of attainment in Greek; this will certify officially their level of proficiency in Greek and may allow them to gain the Delaware Certificate of Multiliteracy in High School.

Program Choice for grades 9 through 12:

Odyssey Charter School requires all students to complete three credits of Greek Language and/or Greek Language Studies to qualify for graduation. For students first entering OCS at the high school level, at least two of those credits must be earned in Greek Language courses. 9th grade continuing OCS students with a passing score on the Greek Language proficiency exam may enroll in Greek Language/Studies Honors coursework. Students have the option to demonstrate proficiency on the Exams of Attainment in Greek to earn college credits. Everyone who has attained the B1 or higher level of certification in Greek language will be eligible to apply for a State of Delaware Certificate of Multiliteracy.


Most charter schools cannot offer door-to-door bus service. Parents are expected to drive students to and from school or the bus stop. Please make sure you will be able to transport your child to and from school before applying. See http://odysseycharterschooldel.com/transportation/ for bus routes and related information.

Note:  A parent residing within the State of Delaware may seek to enroll that parent’s child in a public school in any school district, charter school, magnet school or vocational-technical school through this application. Any student not currently registered in a public school in the State of Delaware must be registered in their School of Residence before submitting a Delaware Standard Application for Educational Options.  Click here to search for your child’s School of Residence and check with your School of Residence for required paperwork.

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Kindergarten Schools

  1. Odyssey Charter Lower School

Grade 01 Schools

  1. Odyssey Charter Lower School

Grade 02 Schools

  1. Odyssey Charter Lower School

Grade 03 Schools

  1. Odyssey Charter Intermediate School

Grade 04 Schools

  1. Odyssey Charter Intermediate School

Grade 05 Schools

  1. Odyssey Charter Intermediate School

Grade 06 Schools

  1. Odyssey Charter Middle School

Grade 07 Schools

  1. Odyssey Charter Middle School

Grade 08 Schools

  1. Odyssey Charter Middle School

Grade 09 Schools

  1. Odyssey Charter High School

Grade 10 Schools

  1. Odyssey Charter High School

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